Paweł Koniszewski
Senior NFV Infrastracture Engineer, TelcoSystems

Pawel is a Senior NFV Infrastracture Engineer working for TelcoSystems company. He started his work around 5 years ago and for all this time works with OpenStack. For a couple of releases Pawel was an active contributor to nova project where he mainly focused on live migration. Now he is not an upstream contributor, but instead he focuses on OpenStack-based projects to integrate them in a best possible way into a cloud.

Going into inevitable – Cells v2
Many releases ago nova introduced cells as a way to scale an environment out. Primary idea behind this feature was to have multiple message queues and databases to distribute load a bit better. The feature was marked as an experimental and it never changed its state, as there was always tons of other work with higher priority. However, after many releases, the original nova flow was ‘redesigned’, so that Cells v2 are now the only way to deploy nova.
Going through the topic, I’ll start with a brief description of nova cells v1 to shed some light on the idea behind the feature. Then I will tell you what nova cells v2 brings, how it changes behavior of running OpenStack environment and potential pitfalls that one might find.