OpenStack Upstream Institute (office hours)
Experts from the Community will hold OpenStack Upstream Institute office hours to share knowledge about the different ways of contributing to OpenStack–adding new features, writing documentation, participating in working groups, and so forth.
Those who attend can ask questions about how the ecosystem works, how they can leverage the community’s development and communication tools for their daily work and how they can join or build a local community. To get more ideas on the topics you can check our Upstream Institute training material[1][2] and prepare your questions in advance.
Join us for any empty slots in your schedule to get your questions about OpenStack and its surrounding community answered. We will help you getting involved regardless of your job role or level of experience with OpenStack.

Ildikó Váncsa
Ecosystem Technical Lead, OpenStack Foundation
Ildikó started her journey with virtualization during the university years and has been in connection with this technology different ways since then… More…

Kendall Nelson
Upstream Developer Advocate, OpenStack Foundation
Kendall is an Upstream Developer Advocate at the OpenStack Foundation based in Seattle, WA… More…